On November 30th Night Crowned will release their debut EP, called Humanity Will Echo Out. DutchMetalManiac’s Tim van Velthuysen recently spoke with Night Crowned’s Ken Romlin and Henric Liljesand.
Hey, congratulations with your upcoming debut, Humanity Will Echo Out. It’s really nice!
Ken: Thanks man much appreciated.
Can you tell us something of who Night Crowned is and how the idea for Night Crowned emerged?
Henric: After over 20 years of listening to this music I had to form a band to celebrate the 90’s era of black/death metal that I love so much. I wrote one song and then we had our first members joining the band, then another song, and the rest just flew out of me.
You all already have released music earlier with other bands. Does it still feels special to release a debut with a new band? If yes, what makes it special?
Ken: Each release that I have been on is a personal achievement & I can still up to this day be proud of each and everyone of them. But what makes Humanity Will Echo Out so special to me is that it is my second release on a label (all other releases are self released).
This record for me is the next level in my career.
Humanity Will Echo Out will be released on November 30th. On that same day you’ll have your first ever gig in Gothenburg, together with Tragederia and Hyperion. Looking forward to that show?
Ken: Of course, we hope that the audience appreciate us live. Each time I go on stage I get in a form of trans so anything can happen.
Anything special planned for the first ever Night Crowned gig?
Henric: To get to share the stage for the first time with this band will be very special for me, but we’ll see, this weekend we will do the final preparations for the gigs.
Besides doing that show, are you going to celebrate the release of Humanity Will Echo Out in some way for yourselves? If yes, how are you going to do that?
Henric: To get to spend the release weekend with the band is the perfect celebration. We will also have our first photo session, so an weekend with only metal.
You recently announced, besides the aforementioned date, a show in Stockholm and a performance on Gamrocken. Can we expect some more Night Crowned touring in the near future? Maybe coming to The Netherlands?
Henric: All comes down to requests from our listeners. The local bookers need to know you guys want us. So to request us to all festivals would help alot.
For releasing Humanity Will Echo Out you signed to Black Lion Records. What makes them the best label for Night Crowned at this moment?
Henric: We wanted to team up with a label for the CD release of our EP and as Oliver is such a hard working guy, with his heart in the right place we didn’t ask anyone else as he was up for it. Very happy with how everything turned out and how it looks.
You are already working on an album, right? When you compare the new songs for that album with the songs on Humanity Will Echo Out, what differences will there be?
Ken: the album will have a more dirtier sound compare to Humanity Will Echo Out. Our debut EP has a more polished sound. On some songs we will add some clean vocals along with other instrumental elements.
Already any idea when we can expect more info regarding this new album?
Henric: We will release more info about the coming album as we progress, but before the summer some new music should be out.
How do you see Night Crowned’s future?
Henric: Next year we will release our first album. We have almost recorded all parts now so mix in Jan/Feb 2019. Dark, melodic and fast metal can be expected.
Thanks for your answers! Is there anything you would like to say to our readers?
Ken: We appreciate every single one of you that have shared our songs, comment, like what we do keep that on & we will see you all sooner then you know.
I’m Tim van Velthuysen and I started DutchMetalManiac back in 2014. I’m 27 years old and I live in Nijmegen, The Netherlands. Of course, I like metal, but I can also appreciate other musical styles. However, metal is what I mostly listen to. I also like going to concerts, meeting with friends and watching movies (especially arthouse).