From the sheer excitement of Mat Sinner actually messaging me on Twitter to the second of getting the Primal Fear record Apocalypse it was yet another heavy metal high on whatever road I’m on.
The standard power metal format we have come to love from this group does not disappoint. There is something comfortably powerful from getting known quality material from a band.
The atmospheric and heavenly sounding intro Apocalypse blending into a blistering New Rise has put this on my already mega-expanding mixtape. Hammering drums and solos and plenty of chugga-chugga here!
The Ritual is a beautiful screamer true to that inimitable PF sound. Rapidly becoming a favourite.
The amazing vox at the start of King of Madness gets you more and more into this sound and the artistic song writing of this band, no matter what genre you are into. A pensive, soulful song… King of Madness… awesome. Beautiful outro.
Blood Sweat and Fear just rocks, plain and simple, easily on my ‘Speed Trap’ mixtape! Power chords and riffs here are the order of the metal day. ‘I’ll never give in!” Check the power scream at 3:53! Yea!
My favourite so far is the slower Supernova, a soul-searing chorus and lighter-inducing chant suitable for live shows, this is an amazing song. The vox’s amazing highs are great, getting those hairs standing on end.
You have to love all the songs with ‘fear’ in them from these lads….it’s awesome. Hail to the Fear simply some of their pinnacle work. Dance with the Devil here with this fist pumping rocker! Leading into the ultra hard Hounds of Justice; so great!
Enough listening to me talk about this; get out and support the band and hear the rest of this now!
Easy 10/10!
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