Here we have another part of Promoting Bands for you! This time it includes a contest. Hope you enjoy the bands in here!
If you want to check the earlier parts of Promoting Bands, you can do so at the following links:
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Do you want your band to be part of an upcoming part of Promoting Bands? Don’t hesitate to send us an email, Facebook or Twitter message!
Tim van Velthuysen
Black Rock

Since 2012, the Finns M. Vehmaa (drums) and T. Willberg (guitars/vocals) play blackened heavy metal under the banner of Black Rock. Formerly bass player J. Kuusisto also was a member of Black Rock, but that isn’t the case anymore. When Black Rock plays live nowadays Misha Heikurinen takes care of the bass-parts. After their formation in 2013 Black Rock released a self-titled demo, which two years later was followed by full-length debut The Mighty Sacrifice. In 2016 a split with fellow Finnish band Necrocosmos as well as a second full-length album, titled Return Through Ages, followed. This latest album also got a successor last August. This successor is called Arcane Remorseless and recently it also got a CD-release. Arcane Remorseless really pounds very heavily, while the production isn’t that good. On the other hand this also gives it a somewhat more underground vibe, which fits quite well with the music Black Rock plays on Arcane Remorseless. Do you think lo-fi productions have their charms and you like pounding drums, crunchy guitars and dark vocals? Then maybe this Arcane Remorseless by the Finnish Black Rock is something for you! You can listen to it below.
Extinction Remains

The Brazilian Extinction Remains exists since 2013 and since that time they are very heavily crushing with their crusty death/doom metal which also contains some punk-influences. Extinction Remains’ current line-up consists of vocalist/bass player Arthur Alves, guitarists Artur Figueredo and Caio Lemos and drummer Mateus Nygrom. In their forming year these Brazilians also released their demo titled Ecologic Noise. Three years later it was followed by an EP titled Genetics of Defeat. One year after this first EP, Extinction Remains came with a second EP, titled Human Disaster Never Ending. Recently Extinction Remains released Smog. Despite this being a new release, Smog doesn’t contain any new material. Smog contains all songs of Ecologic Noise, Genetics of Defeat and Human Disaster Never Ending, but now all on one CD. So, with Smog you can have all the material Extinction Remains released so far at once. That material is definitely something that’s worth checking out. It pounds as fuck, is extremely heavy and as raw as it can be. It doesn’t matter from which release the material originally is, it all sounds nice, especially when you like extremely raw and crusty metal, on a high-speed level as well as a bit slower. You can listen to Smog below.

In 2015 guitarist Sebastian “Sharp” Wikar formed the Polish thrash metal band Pandemic. Last September, three years after this formation, the first studio material by Pandemic was released, an EP titled Deaf Nite. Unfortunately Sebastian couldn’t experience the release of Deaf Nite, because he passed away unexpectedly on the 9th of March 2018. Pandemic’s other members, current as well as former, guitarists Marcin Konieczny and Wiktor “Nocturnitier” Łobarzewski, bass player/vocalist Gniewko “Mara” Jelski, bass player Bartłomiej Bochniak, vocalist Piotr “Satan” Drobina and drummers Kamil “Kajcik” Kaijta and Filip Worek worked hard to make it possible to record and release Pandemic’s debut Deaf Nite, as Sebastian would have wanted it. All four tracks on Deaf Nite are written by Sebastian and he also can be heard on his guitar in the title track. That Sebastian wrote four awesome old school thrash tracks is something that becomes very clear while listening to Deaf Nite. While listening to it without knowing that it is a debut EP and someone tells you it is, you probably wouldn’t believe it. Deaf Nite pounds as old school thrash used to, but also contains a refreshing vibe. This Deaf Nite by the Polish thrashers of Pandemic is surely a recommendation for everyone who digs thrash metal! You can listen to Deaf Nite below.
Aggressive Mutilator

The Swedish black metallers of Aggressive Mutilator started in 2012. Aggressive Mutilator’s current line-up consists of drummer Micael Zetterberg and guitarist/vocalist Mikael Holm. After several demos and one compilation these Swedes released their debut full-length, titled Terror, Incest and Death, in 2014. After Terror, Incest and Death again several demos as well as two compilations followed. Last year Aggressive Mutilator also released a second full-length album. This successor of Terror, Incest and Death is titled Det Djävlanästet and contains almost 18 minutes of raw, punkish black metal that rattles really hard. The production of Det Djävlanästet is quite raw and dirty, something that perfectly fits the raw and dirty style of Aggressive Mutilator’s black metal. Det Djävlanästet also contains two instrumental tracks, Bland löss och annat fanskap and The Orb, which both are synth tracks. Sometimes synth tracks combine very well with black metal. However in my opinion it doesn’t fit that well on this album and with Aggressive Mutilator’s style of black metal. The remainder of Det Djävlanästet however does make you forget that quite soon, because what Aggressive Mutilator shows there is much more interesting: a huge bunch of very heavily battering and crushing in a way that is very dirty, raw and intense! You can listen to Det Djävlanästet below.
Concrete Funeral

Pay attention death/thrash fans! Soon a very promising debut album will be released by a Canadian band operating in this subgenre of metal. This band, consisting of guitarist/vocalist Devin Schum, guitarist Jesse Lindbeck, drummer Connor Erhart and bass player Paul Mercer, is called Concrete Funeral. Concrete Funeral’s debut album will be titled Ultimum Judicium and it will be released on May the 31st. With Ultimum Judicium Concrete Funeral delivers a debut that certainly doesn’t sound like it is a debut. Ultimum Judicium for sure does sound a lot more like a very strong album by a band that already plays on a high level for quite some time and definitely knows what it is doing. Exactly this is what makes Ultimum Judicium a very strong debut that shows what Concrete Funeral is capable of: playing some very well-done death/thrash metal that pounds nicely, but with mixing in quite some variation. Ultimum Judicium for sure promises very much for the future of Concrete Funeral. This is a band that probably could be a pretty big name in death/thrash metal within a few years. Recommended for sure! You can watch their latest video Stabbed to Death below. Do you want to win Ultimum Judicium? You can! The only thing you have to do for that is entering our Ultimum Judicium contest by filling in the form below. We will pick a winner next Friday!
Concrete Funeral Facebook
Concrete Funeral Instagram
I’m Tim van Velthuysen and I started DutchMetalManiac back in 2014. I’m 29 years old and I live in Nijmegen, The Netherlands. Of course, I like metal, but I can also appreciate other musical styles.
In addition to DutchMetalManiac I also have a personal website on which I’ll post various things that won’t fit on DutchMetalManiac, but might be interesting for you as well. It’s in Dutch though.
[…] If you want to check the earlier parts of Promoting Bands, you can do so at the following links: Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4Part 5Part 6Part 7Part 8Part 9Part 10Part 11Part 12Part 13Part 14Part 15Part 16Part 17Part 18Part 19Part 20Part 21Part 22Part 23Part 24Part 25Part 26Part 27Part 28 […]
[…] 13Part 14Part 15Part 16Part 17Part 18Part 19Part 20Part 21Part 22Part 23Part 24Part 25Part 26Part 27Part 28Part 29Part […]
[…] doom/death metallers of Extinction Remains in our 28th part of Promoting Bands, which you can read here. At that moment we wrote about Smog, the compilation they released that included all Extinction […]