In November we reviewed Noctem’s fifth studio-album, titled The Black Consecration, here. Before that, we already wrote about Noctem a few times: we also reviewed their Haeresis album here and wrote a live review about them, alongside Wesenwille and Evil Oath here. In April 2017 we also interviewed Noctem’s vocalist Beleth here and now we interviewed him again.
Hey, congratulations with your new album, The Black Consecration. It’s really nice. How are the reactions you got on it so far?
Thank you so much bro. The reactions of the metalheads and the media are being great, people are supporting this new material very well and we are more than happy with this.
When you compare The Black Consecration with your previous album Haeresis, what is it you hear?
I listen to a more mature album, better conceptualized, harder, faster and underground. I think they are two very different roads, TBC is a road more located in the old school line, it’s what we wanted to do and show to the extreme metal scene and it’s what we did.
I’ve listened to your previous album Haeresis as well as of course The Black Consecration. Last year I’ve seen you play live and I’ve seen your drummer Arnau Martí play live with Storm Upon The Masses. On your albums as well as during those live shows he plays very tight and extremely powerful. Now he’s selected as one of the best recording drummers of 2019 according to Sick Drummer Magazine. What does it mean for you to have him in Noctem?
Well… Arnau (Voor) is a fundamental piece in the band and very difficult to replace, he is a very important member since 2015 and works very hard to be one of the best on the scene. This type of recognition is very deserved for him. As you can imagine it’s not easy to find a drummer so professional and with so much dedication. It’s so stupid when I see comments of people saying we have a drum machine… we have one of the best drummers, this is the truth.
On The Black Consecration as well as on Haeresis you sound very powerful. How do you manage to catch that power on the recordings?
I think it is because we all try to do our best in the studio, during the weeks before enter into the studio we are completely into the preproduction process trying to perfect all the compositions, we study the sound that we want very meticulously in the post production to get the final product we are looking for. This is our fifth studio album and we have already learned how to don’t do things.
I also really like the new album’s artwork, which is made by Credo quia Absurdum. What made them the best choice for this job?
Tiago is a great professional, he really knows how to work on time and what the band needs so it was really easy for us. He just got the lyrics and some info and did the rest. I recommend him 300%, if you want a perfect artwork and a competent designer this is the man.
In our earlier interview we also talked a bit about the Spanish metalscene including the festivals Leyendas del Rock and Resurrection Fest. I just saw the already announced bands for both festivals, with Resurrection Fest’s line-up so far being very special. How does that feel for you being a Spanish metalhead?
Well, by one side Resurrection Fest is without doubt the best metal festival in Spain. They know how to really do the things and prepare a great fest supporting the Spanish metal scene. They were growing slowly but now they sure are the kings.
About how I feel… What can I say man? I really don’t feel as a Spanish MH haha. I (we) are more than this we like to enjoy this festivals, the scene, the people. But it’s not something that make us feel proud of to be Spanish or some shit like that, we are Europeans and our scene is Europe, sometimes I can find more support in Germany or in The Netherlands than in Spain. I’m sure you know what I mean bro.
Two years ago you played there for the last time. Since you’ve a new album released now, is Noctem going to play Resurrection Fest 2020?
Nah, this year we have other plans for Summer and we will announce new shows and festivals very soon. This is going to be one of the most busy Summers of our career. Stay tuned brothers and sisters.
Speaking about shows, you already announced five upcoming shows, one in Spain, one in Portugal, one in Belgium and two in Germany. Can we expect more Noctem shows in the near future? Maybe coming to The Netherlands again?
Yeah, we just announced our upcoming European tour in support of The Black Consecration. We will be on central Europe again. This time we will be touring Spain, Germany, France, Belgium, The Netherlands… It’s going to be our first tour presenting this new album with a new show, so hope to see you there maniacs!!!

In our previous interview I asked you to look back and after you looked back you said that you didn’t like to look back but rather look forward. So, what do you think Noctem’s future looks like?
Next year, in 2021, the band will be 20 years old since the foundation, so right now we are preparing a new album and we have a lot of new ideas. We will continue with this project as always, creating new art, because this is the important thing for us, this is what make us still alive, to be on the road, tour and enjoy the music and the people.
Thanks for your answers. Is there anything you want to say to our readers?
I would like to thank you for your time to make this great interview and your support brother and apologize for taking a little more time to answer it, we have been very busy recently and the beginning of the year has been total chaos hehehe 😉
And for you Metal Maniacs!!! See you very soon on the road headbanging and drinking beers!!! Stay fucking brutal!
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I’m Tim van Velthuysen and I started DutchMetalManiac back in 2014. I’m 29 years old and I live in Nijmegen, The Netherlands. Of course, I like metal, but I can also appreciate other musical styles.
In addition to DutchMetalManiac I also have a personal website on which I’ll post various things that won’t fit on DutchMetalManiac, but might be interesting for you as well. It’s in Dutch though.