Recently, DutchMetalManiac’s Tim van Velthuysen interviewed Relentless Aggression’s Finn Solemdal.
Hey, how are you?
All fine here!
Can you tell us something about the history of Relentless Aggression?
The band originally started up in 1986 under the name Hell Awaits. We were just kids wanting to play thrash metal and have fun. We had limited playing skills but still a sense of writing a good thrash metal song or two. We rehearsed in an old fall out shelter close to where Yngve and I lived. In addition to me (Finn) and Yngve, the band consisted of Dag on bass and Erik (later drummer for Immortal, Gorgoroth and Borknagar) on drums.
After nearly thirty years concentrating on other bands and other projects, me and Yngve decided to restart the band. Some of the original songs were just too good to die of old age! The band entered Solslottet studio with engineer, producer and session drummer Iver Sandøy (Enslaved), and recorded three old songs and seven brand new ones, and they were released as our debut album A Shadow of All Things Broken.
For people not knowing Relentless Aggression (yet), how would you describe your music yourself?
We describe it as old school thrash metal, even though our music is more than that. We get inspiration from a lot of different metal styles as well as punk and hardcore. In the feedback we have gotten from reviews of the album, we have been compared to Slayer, Kreator, Exodus, D.R.I., old Metallica, Suicidal Tendencies, M.O.D. and Destruction amongst others.
When someone doesn’t know Relentless Aggression yet and you can choose one of your songs to present yourself, which song would that be?
I think Epitome of Resentment is a good place to start. It was the first new song we made when we restarted the band, and it has all the elements of the band.
What makes Relentless Aggression unique?
We combine old school thrash metal with an updated sound, and we use different tempos and rhythms to keep things interesting while still delivering aggressive music and dystopic lyrics.
Any future plans you can already tell us something about?
We are just about to release a new song on a Norwegian vinyl sampler. The song is called American Carnage and is about the mayhem in the US the last years. We will also release the song as a single after summer some time. Also busy writing new songs for the next album.
Any upcoming gigs for Relentless Aggression? Maybe coming to The Netherlands?
The band is a studio project at the moment, the pandemic makes it impossible to play live anyway. When things get better we will consider putting a live line-up together. It would be great to play in The Netherlands!
How do you think your life would be without music?
What advice would you give to young and starting bands?
I could write a book about my own experiences when it comes to being in a band, mostly about what not to do, so I think I’ll just say have fun and don’t act like an asshole if your band is starting to get some attention.
Thanks for your answers! Is there anything you want to say to DutchMetalManiac’s readers?
Thanks for supporting the band!
Relentless Aggression Facebook
Relentless Aggression Instagram
I’m Tim van Velthuysen and I started DutchMetalManiac back in 2014. I’m 29 years old and I live in Nijmegen, The Netherlands. Of course, I like metal, but I can also appreciate other musical styles.
In addition to DutchMetalManiac I also have a personal website on which I’ll post various things that won’t fit on DutchMetalManiac, but might be interesting for you as well. It’s in Dutch though.